White House admits Trump climate policies will cost Americans $500 billion a year
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TRUMPSTER DIVING: NOT!!!!! A place to share information to try help the Trumpster Divers of the world. It is a necessary outlet to share information so not to offend family and friends on Facebook. Trumpster diving (or divers) is (are) a sign of overzealous supporters of Donald Trump whose love for the Donald is expressed by literally diving into a dumpster full of alternate facts, lies, denials, and dangerous impulsive statements and decisions. I am a concerned (Indepdendent) American.
Obama gives Trump sharp rebuke in Mandela address on values
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Former U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday took aim at "strongman politics" in his highest-profile ...
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From News on Flipboard
SEATTLE (AP) — Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates saw an opportunity with a new federal education law that has widespread repercussions for…
From The Atlantic, a Flipboard magazine by The Atlantic
Republicans elected a president who promised to take on D.C.—instead, Trump has presided over an extraordinary auction of access and influence. Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp"…
From Politics, a Flipboard magazine by CNN
(CNN) — George F. Will is not the guy you'd think would be responsible for delivering the most devastating takedown of Vice President Mike Pence…
From Donald Trump, a Flipboard topic
Giuliani's very public fall from grace has been years in the making, but it really picked up steam when he…
From Politics, a Flipboard magazine by POLITICO
President Donald Trump complained Wednesday that his administration receives overwhelmingly negative coverage from network news outlets and…
From Elite Daily, a Flipboard magazine by Elite Daily
The current president and first lady unfortunately don't get much privacy when it comes to their relationship. That…
From Politics on Flipboard
Will a porn star help to bring down a president? Stormy Daniels' lawyer thinks so. "Ultimately, he is going to be forced…
From Donald Trump, a Flipboard topic
Earlier this week, Fox News declared its "full support" for Sean Hannity after it was revealed the conservative commentator was also a client of…
From Guardian US, a Flipboard magazine by Guardian US
As Trump threatens to fire Mueller, a journalist who was reporting during Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre reads the…
From Donald Trump, a Flipboard topic
It's old by now to point out that we're living through a Fox News presidency. The network spent much of the Obama administration breathing life into the…
From Top Stories, a Flipboard magazine by CNN
(CNN) — President Donald Trump is on a tear about immigration again. Often mercurial and dark, Trump is using the power of the presidency…
From Donald Trump, a Flipboard topic
EVEN FOR a high news-metabolism White House, it was a very busy week that was. The personnel turnstile continued to whirl…
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski hinted they're hearing from inside sources that…
From Donald Trump, a Flipboard topic
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter provoked her customary amount of protest by appearing at a…
From The Atlantic, a Flipboard magazine by The Atlantic
The Republican Congress didn't just ignore Trump's proposals: The $1.3 trillion spending bill actually fulfilled—or even exceeded—many of the funding…
From Politics, a Flipboard topic
Last fall, prominent psychiatrists broke with the American Psychological Association and diagnosed the president. Can we say they were wrong? And…
GOP consultant Rick Wilson took a great amount of joy on Thursday night…
From BuzzFeed, a Flipboard magazine by BuzzFeed
"Over my decade with Fox, I long was proud of the association," Col. Ralph Peters wrote in an email to colleagues. "Now I am…
From Donald Trump, a Flipboard topic
Before, he was constrained by a few "adults" – Rex Tillerson, Gary Cohn, H.R. McMaster, and John Kelly – whom he appointed because he thought they had some…
From Donald Trump, a Flipboard topic
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has reportedly requested documents from the data-analytics company Cambridge Analytica as…
From Politics on Flipboard
Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired outgoing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on Friday even though he was on the…
From Politics, a Flipboard magazine by POLITICO
Every week political cartoonists throughout the country and across the political spectrum apply their ink-stained skills to capture the foibles, memes,…
From Politics, a Flipboard magazine by The Fix
In a fundraising speech Wednesday, President Trump admitted once and for all that he just makes stuff up. The man who…
From Donald Trump, a Flipboard topic
'Chaos and anarchy': PA Republican rep. lambastes 'deplorable' Trump for firing…
From Education, a Flipboard topic
The disastrous DeVos interview shows how much America is now on its own I worry less about Kim Jong-Un than I do Betsy DeVos. The…